
Daily presentations are available starting at 9 AM Pacific Standard Time.
Videos are on-demand for a 24-hour period only.

"The BIG Deal With Vagus Nerve"

Day 1
  • Why is vagus nerve such a BIG Deal
  • Why vagus nerve ignored by conventional medicine
  • What did natural alternative medicine get wrong about vagus nerve
  • Yin and Yang and autonomic nervous system

"Circadian Rhythm and Vagus Nerve Connection"

Day 1
  • Circadian rhythm's nervous system impact
  • Biggest factors impacting circadian rhythm
  • Resetting the circadian rhythm

"Vagus Nerve and Stress Resiliency"

Day 1
  • Redefine stress as natural ways to increase resilience
  • 2 factors involved in vagus nerve stress response
  • 3 ways to reframe stress and turn it to your advantage

"Vagus Nerve in GI Health and Dysfunction: Part 1"

Day 2
  • Master controller of digestion
  • Key neurological differentiators of GI symptoms
  • Vagus nerve and gut microbiome
  • How to digest all this information

"Vagus Nerve in GI Health and Dysfunction: Part 2"

Day 2
  • Master controller of digestion
  • Key neurological differentiators of GI symptoms
  • Vagus nerve and gut microbiome
  • How to digest all this information

"The Vagus Nerve & Digestion"

Day 2
  • Brain-gut cross talk
  • Digestive secretions and vagus
  • Practical tips for vagus nerve health

"Your Vagus Nerve and Autoimmunity"

Day 2
  • The source of all chronic illness
  • Neural reflex involved in controlling inflammation
  • Steps in healing inflammation and restoring vagus nerve function

"Vagus Nerve’s Role in Immunity and Inflammation"

Day 3
  • Vagus nerve impacts on spleen, liver, intestines
  • Vagus nerve, histamine, and sympathetic response
  • Immune function and vagus nerve
  • BIG connection via vagus nerve

"Mold Toxicity and Vagal Nerve Dysfunction"

Day 3
  • Why mold toxicity is common
  • Mycotoxin and vagus nerve
  • Mycotoxin detox strategies

"The Vagus Nerve and Infection Connection"

Day 3
  • Common thread between PANDAS and vagus nerve
  • How infection causes nerve problems
  • Ways to support the vagus nerve and immune system

"Vagus Nerve and Mood and Cognition Pt. 1"

Day 4
  • Brain inflammation and vagus nerve function 
  • Vagus nerve and neurodegen
  • Stress chemistry and vagus nerve
  • Trauma and vagus nerve

"Vagus Nerve and Mood and Cognition Pt. 2"

Day 4
  • Brain inflammation and vagus nerve function 
  • Vagus nerve and neurodegen
  • Stress chemistry and vagus nerve
  • Trauma and vagus nerve

"Vagus Nerve and Mood and Cognition Pt. 3"

Day 4
  • Brain inflammation and vagus nerve function 
  • Vagus nerve and neurodegen
  • Stress chemistry and vagus nerve
  • Trauma and vagus nerve

"Vagus Nerve and Neurodegeneration"

Day 4
  • Vagus nerve and gut-brain connection
  • Factors leading to neurodegeneration
  • Latest treatment for neurodegeneration

"Vagus, Toxins and Infections"

Day 4
  • Biological terrain and toxins
  • Vagus nerve and lymphatic system
  • Advanced treatment for chronic illness

"Roadmap to Heal Vagus Nerve Pt. 1"

Day 5
  • Factors that impact vagus nerve function
  • NeuroMetabolic Roadmap to identify your unique healing path
  • Putting it all together
  • Your next step

"Roadmap to Heal Vagus Nerve Pt. 2"

Day 5
  • Factors that impact vagus nerve function
  • NeuroMetabolic Roadmap to identify your unique healing path
  • Putting it all together
  • Your next step

"Trauma, Stress and The Vagus Nerve"

Day 5
  • Stress and vagus nerve connection
  • Trauma's damaging effect
  • Myths of vagus nerve healing

"The Vagus Nerve & Your Physical / Emotional Heart"

Day 5
  • Heart as your third brain
  • Vagus nerve and heart function
  • Emotional impact on heart and vagus nerve