Register for a FREE live Q&A Zoom Webinar with Dr. Kan!

Connect the dots of what you have learned in the Vagus Nerve Masterclass and have your questions answered by Dr. Kan LIVE this Wednesday at 4:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.

Enroll in the digital program now and get a FREE upgrade with weekly group coaching and Learners Vault access!

The Vagus Nerve Masterclass has ended.

Join the waitlist below to stay in the loop about our next Vagus Nerve Masterclass.

Don't want to wait until the next masterclass?

Day 1

The BIG Deal With Vagus Nerve

Circadian Rhythm and Vagus Nerve Connection

Vagus Nerve and Stress Resiliency

Day 2

Vagus Nerve in GI Health and Dysfunction: Part 1

Vagus Nerve in GI Health and Dysfunction: Part 2

The Vagus Nerve & Digestion

Your Vagus Nerve and Autoimmunity

Day 3

Vagus Nerve’s Role in Immunity and Inflammation

Mold Toxicity and Vagal Nerve Dysfunction

The Vagus Nerve and Infection Connection

Day 4

Vagus Nerve and Mood and Cognition Pt. 1

Vagus Nerve and Mood and Cognition Pt. 2

Vagus Nerve and Mood and Cognition Pt. 3

Vagus Nerve and Neurodegeneration

Vagus, Toxins and Infections

Day 5

Roadmap to Heal Vagus Nerve Pt. 1

Roadmap to Heal Vagus Nerve Pt. 2

Trauma, Stress and The Vagus Nerve

The Vagus Nerve & Your Physical / Emotional Heart

Register for a FREE live Q&A Zoom Webinar with Dr. Kan!

Connect the dots of what you have learned in the Vagus Nerve Masterclass and have your questions answered by Dr. Kan LIVE this Wednesday at 4:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.

Enroll in the digital program now and get a FREE upgrade with weekly group coaching and Learners Vault access!